Tarvisio (UD) - Cortina d'Ampezzo (BL)
+39 3482685867 +39 3483745119


Book your lesson!

1. Connect to the website www.sleddoghusky.it and select the season (Winter / Summer) and the location (Tarvisio / Cortina) from the menu.

2. Choose from the various options the one you prefer to do / give as a gift (at the following link you can find the instructions for purchasing the “gift vouchers” https://sleddoghusky.it/en/gift-voucher/)

3. Reservations must be made exclusively by sending an email to sleddog2023@gmail.com or a whatsapp message (DO NOT CALL!) to the number 3483745119 (Monica) for TARVISIO and 3482685867 (Ararad) for CORTINA D’AMPEZZO specifying the activity chosen, the actual number of people participating , if there are children and of what age, if there are people with physical problems and the place where you intend to carry out the activity by adding a possible range of dates to be agreed.
Booking example:
Lesson // Basic excursion 30 minutes
2 adults and 1 child (10 years) + 1 child 4 years with instructor (not drive)
Availability 4/01 to 6/01 2023

4. Once the release date has been agreed, continue with the payment for the entire amount via Paypal (click here) or bank transfer (IBAN IT 09 B 05484 64290 CC019 0000 197 / Code SWIFT – BIC CIVIIT2C / Account holder: Scuola Internazionale Mushing), Object of Payment: Name and surname (one person is enough), kind of experience choosen with the location and number of people participating.
Example: Mario Rossi / Lesson basic sleddog / 3 people
Upon receipt of payment, your booking is confirmed. Refunds are made ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY if the school is unable to offer the service. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY DISCOUNT!

5. Before reaching the venue for the exit, download the membership forms for each individual participant at the following link: https://sleddoghusky.it/en/school-entry-forms/ and bring them duly completed in paper format on the day of the activity.